Sophisticated fancy of developers leads to a rather unexpected results. Figures correct geometric shapes transformed into a variety of forms and took the form of everyday objects and living beings. When Alexey Pajitnov invented his own version of Tetris, it is unlikely he guessed that over time the game will get as many areas of the story. But most importantly, that it became accessible to all, and you can play Tetris for free. Today, the computer game Tetris has been modified in different versions, and can be seen in the most unexpected and bizarre ways.

For a correctly loaded figure added few points, but the line brought them much more, but everything depended on the speed of the game options turn of the figures and the number of lines harvested at a time: In the popular version of Tetris nineties, when filled with figures of the field and formed a continuous line, these lines were removed from the field, making room for the following figures. It continues to play as long as there are free squares on the playing field and the ability to fill them with falling figures. For each figure correctly loaded, the player receives at the expense of glasses, so his job is to score the most points. During the game, the speed gradually increases, forcing the player to move faster. For this purpose, during the fall of the next figure, it can be rotated three hundred sixty degrees around its axis, turning the most appropriate party. The objective and task of Tetris put all the figures one by one so that they are tightly pressed against each other without leaving a gap. In the classic Tetris figures of different shapes fall to the bottom of a rectangular field and stop, or have reached the bottom of the figure lying there.

The game of Tetris is familiar to all, but few know that it came up with the Soviet programmer Alexey Pajitnov in 1984, and he suggested the idea of the game pentamino.
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Tetris game - play for free online The history and objectives of the Tetris game